Saturday, 26 January 2013

Me? - Week 2 guh

Week 2 rolls by quickly with my avid gaming and incessant lying in bed staring at the ceiling;the previous line that was written was terrible. Glenn again has given us a series of choice question to answer in this current blog, as the world swirled in a bloody ooze and the light in my room decided to die a horrid death. Well let me begin to say that I grew up on the isolated archipelago of The Seychelles (the hardest thing for British people to pronounce), and for practically most of my life this sun swept oxymoron of a life has been perplexing. I have 4 interesting characters in my life including my grandmother and my aunty Meher, both have considerable opinion and energy. My grandmother is a person who sees a person being more useful doing something practical, which I resented when my interest in artistic endeavours were passed over nor acknowledge by her. While my aunty Meher, the grammatical Nazi and imposing nature of correctness, discussing anything with her is a challenge and a war.

In reading I found comfort and solitude in tumultuous times during my youth; I read Frank Herbert's Dune, Science fiction short stories, fantasy (child and adult fiction), and alternative world history. I fell in love with stories that made the world didn't seem quite right. These stories tickled my mind and what I drew/wrote, making me dream of unrealistic futures and worlds unseen. The latest idea to crop up is of Gor'Ve'Dar, something which I have to discuss off topic. 



  1. I would be interested to read more about how your reading and personal background affects your writing life, perhaps the opening could have been streamlined a little to have achieved this?

    You say you have read alternative world history, have you read 'The Man in the High Castle'? I remember really liking that one.

    1. I mainly read more grittier stuff by Harry S Turtledove above a split America, I really want to read 'The Man in the High Castle'.

    2. You should, it's pretty interesting.

  2. I can most certainly relate to the siren call of sci-fi escapism. The examples given of Dune and Homeworld even resonate with me. Almost seems ironic that you've used such distractions as the basis for some writing.

  3. I found this blog interesting, however I can't really relate to the sci-fi background. I have to say that I found the screen background a bit distracting, although I did enjoy reading your post.
